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multi sensor system for analysiznf reactions to advertisements

Company Name
Updating Date
Neurotech Category
Market Category
Target Market
Company Founded Year
Company Number of Employees
Economic Insight | NeuroMarketing
Economic insights
Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS)

Today, you don’t need to guess.
The days in which we built a product or campaign based on instincts are over.
Our advanced technological systems have taught us everything.
We know everything, See everything, Understand everything! Today, you don’t need to guess.
The days in which we built a product or campaign based on instincts are over.
Our advanced technological systems have taught us everything.
We know everything, See everything, Understand everything! With our system, you can monitor real-time implied responses, the feelings and emotions of your customers at any moment and receive updated and reliable insights that will strongly influence your earnings and sales. Starting from the level of interaction and interest to negative feelings and disgust.

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