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Acoustic Signal Processing for Medical Applications

Company Name
Updating Date
Neurotech Category
Market Category
Target Market
Company Founded Year
Company Number of Employees
NeuroImaging | NeuroMonitoring
Medical devices | Medical equipment
Economic insights
Non-invasive Neuroimaging | portable (EEG | fNIRS)

AcousticView develops medical diagnostic solutions based on ultrasound and sonar technology for the analysis of high-dimensional time series. The technology allows for a range of applications, from biomedical, sonar, and seismic to financial data analysis.

AcousticView’s technology focuses on a reliable model estimation technique to produce meaningful interpretations, often from a small number of observations in a high-dimensional parametric space. These tools are based on advanced computational algorithms, computer vision, and extensive signal processing, machine learning, and statistical methods.

Some of the company’s activity involves commercial research support provided by Tel Aviv University and Brown University in the United States. AcousticView is involved in a number of R&D projects funded by the European Union, as well as by U.S. and Israeli foundations.

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