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Magnetic Stimulation Technology for Alzheimer's Disease

Company Name
Updating Date
Neurotech Category
Market Category
Target Market
Company Founded Year
Company Number of Employees
Research/Medical equipment
Medical use (pharma, nerve damage rehabilitation, neurodiagnostics. inc. early diagnosis)
Neuromodulation interventions (TMS | tDCS | tAS)

Neuronix develops methods for modifying the course of treatment for Alzheimer's disease, offering the potential for long-term improvement in patient quality of life. The neuroAD system is based on the company's core noninvasive cortical enhancer technology and is CE marked for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

The company's patented technology uses magnetic stimulation interlaced with cognitive training and directed at specific brain regions affected by Alzheimer's disease. This combination induces long-term potentiation, which is associated with learning and memory processes.

Several published studies performed at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts), in Israel, and in other locations showed statistically significant clinical results compared with placebo following six weeks of daily one-hour sessions. The neuroAD therapy system is CE marked for commercial use in Europe for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

A multi-center clinical study was recently completed in the United States and will be used to support a submission seeking US FDA clearance.

Neuronix is a privately held company with headquarters in Israel and subsidiaries in the United States and United Kingdom.

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